Welcome to Caliann's blog

I love the outdoors, the beach, gardening, family get-to-gethers! This is a spot hopefully for anyone who is interested in giving me pointers on being a better gardener as I'm a beginner. Mostly learning from reading other garden blogs I'm finally going to give my vegetable garden a try.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


My Bell Peppers are getting bigger and the Tomatoes on the vine are ripe for picking.

I have Corn! The weather is so HOT now, and corn just thrives on the heat. So far things are lookin pretty. No bugs or worms (knock on wood). Just when I think the sweet peas are all done producing, I keep picking and eating new ones everyday. They just keep hangin in there. And boy are they sweet. The two zucchinni squash plants I planted just to the right of the peas are getting really big. I have five zucchinni plants throughout the garden and they are just taking off with the heat. They taste so good. I might make some zucchinni bread soon!

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