Welcome to Caliann's blog

I love the outdoors, the beach, gardening, family get-to-gethers! This is a spot hopefully for anyone who is interested in giving me pointers on being a better gardener as I'm a beginner. Mostly learning from reading other garden blogs I'm finally going to give my vegetable garden a try.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bush Beans and Tomatoes are starting to really grow now! I have flowers on the beans and baby tomatoes growing. We had some very hot weather this last week and that really got things goin!
Oh, the orange buckets are full of water for watering of course. That way I'm not dragging the water hose all over.Flower bloom on bush bean. I can't wait. There's nothing like green beans straight out of the garden. Cherry Tomatoes. Lookin good!

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