Welcome to Caliann's blog

I love the outdoors, the beach, gardening, family get-to-gethers! This is a spot hopefully for anyone who is interested in giving me pointers on being a better gardener as I'm a beginner. Mostly learning from reading other garden blogs I'm finally going to give my vegetable garden a try.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Are you having problems with earwigs? Well they were eating up all my little seedlings that I had just planted in the garden outside. Step 1: fill a small bowl (mine is styrofome) about 1/4 fullStep 2: Close the lid, but leave a small opening at edge for bugs to crawl in. Put in garden anywhere you see earwig colonies, right next to the plants you suspect them eating on.

The nex day you'll see some, leave it alone then check the next day and the next. Pretty soon you will see a pretty full bowl of the earwigs, maybe even some nasty ants too.

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