Welcome to Caliann's blog

I love the outdoors, the beach, gardening, family get-to-gethers! This is a spot hopefully for anyone who is interested in giving me pointers on being a better gardener as I'm a beginner. Mostly learning from reading other garden blogs I'm finally going to give my vegetable garden a try.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gourd Seedlings

Here are gourd seedlings that I started in trays under a grow light. They grew tall and lanky and didn't transplant very well in the garden.

I planted these gourd seedlings in the garden about a week ago. I think they do better planted directly in the ground. I planted some seeds in seed trays a few months ago with a grow light and they became very scragly. I transplanted them in the garden and they just didn't do well.
I planted the same kind of seed (Burpee-large bottle mix) last year and was very pleased with the seed. I planted a little late though (end of June) and all I got was three gourds.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Baby Birdies are growing.

Here is a picture of the "Black Phoebe's". They are still babies but are growing very fast. I have counted 4 so far. Last year their Mama had 5 in the same nest. Just last week they all fit inside the nest and I could barely see them. This week they are on the edge. It's amazing how fast they are growing.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Good day to plant

My Spinach is starting to grow, now that the weather is warming up! I purchased the small seedlings at the local "Lowes" store.
I took this picture of the little Black Phoebe bird that adopted a vacant Swallow's nest. Her babies are hatched and starting to peek their beeks over the edge. She made a nest last year and had about 5 chicks that barely fit in the small nest as they were growing. It was amazing how they just up and flew away one day. I watched them as she coaxed them out of the nest and they followed her out to the almond field next to my yard. There they stayed for a few days learning how to fly. I would see them periodically over the summer months. It was awsome.

I finally got to transplant my Bell Peppers. It was a very sunny morning. I planted a row next to my climbing sweet peas. I also planted some sweet corn, okra, and squash from seed. I will be looking forward to seeing some sprouts in about 10 - 14 days there a bout. The temperature is in the 80's range but next week supposed to cool down again in the 70's.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Bell Peppers and Squash seedings

Bell pepper seedlings (Big dipper from Burpee)
and Summer Squash (Early White Scallop)
I'm waiting for the wind to die down so that
I can get these out into the garden...

If the wind don't die down I'll just be stuck in
the house with my Starbucks and book!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Cool misty day today for sunny California

Now what do I do today? It's a little cool. I don't know if the sun is going to come out. I want to get some sweet corn planted today. We'll see...