Welcome to Caliann's blog

I love the outdoors, the beach, gardening, family get-to-gethers! This is a spot hopefully for anyone who is interested in giving me pointers on being a better gardener as I'm a beginner. Mostly learning from reading other garden blogs I'm finally going to give my vegetable garden a try.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gourd Seedlings

Here are gourd seedlings that I started in trays under a grow light. They grew tall and lanky and didn't transplant very well in the garden.

I planted these gourd seedlings in the garden about a week ago. I think they do better planted directly in the ground. I planted some seeds in seed trays a few months ago with a grow light and they became very scragly. I transplanted them in the garden and they just didn't do well.
I planted the same kind of seed (Burpee-large bottle mix) last year and was very pleased with the seed. I planted a little late though (end of June) and all I got was three gourds.

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